Unveiling the Pursuit of Power and Fulfillment

Self-Identification and Location:

I live in India, with only about 500 people who know me personally. Others are the one which are forgotten from my life and me from their life. 

Qualification and Earning Money:

I believe that my qualifications are essential for earning money, which, in turn, allows me to acquire assets and increase my power.

Power is linked to how well-known you are among people.

Desires and Aspirations:

My relationships are important to me as these people care about my existence and wish for me to be powerful.

Emotions play a crucial role in maintaining these relationships, but I feel my emotional intelligence (EQ) is low, making me struggle in this area.

I suspect that my lack of emotional intelligence might be the reason some people dislike me.

Dopamine and Seeking Power:

Dopamine and other hormones drive us to seek power and success in life.

Importance of Money:

Money plays a significant role in achieving desires like earning respect, influence, and engaging in pleasurable activities.

Having more money can make it easier to attain these goals.

Positive Outlook on Life:

I believe that life is not as challenging as it seems, and the difficulties we face are often influenced by our feelings and perceptions.

In summary, I am from India. My qualifications are crucial for earning money and gaining power, which is linked to how well-known I am among people. My relationships are important to me, and expressing emotions is essential for maintaining them. However, I feel that my emotional intelligence is low, and this might be a reason for some people disliking me. Dopamine and other hormones drive our desire for power and success. Money plays a significant role in achieving various aspirations such as respect, influence, and pleasurable activities. Despite life's challenges, maintaining a positive outlook can make it more manageable.

In conclusion what we need to do in life?

What we need to do in life is not entirely predetermined, as it varies for different individuals at the micro level. However, from a broader perspective, there are certain commonalities. It seems as though we are living in a metaphorical "matrix," where there is a fixed belief that every human being, including millionaires, needs to continuously strive to earn more money. However, accepting this notion might narrow our focus solely on accumulating wealth, disregarding other aspects of living a fulfilling life.

To succeed in earning more money, it is essential to think innovatively and beyond the conventional limits. You must explore ideas and approaches that others in your classroom or environment might not have considered. The reality is that money circulates between individuals, flowing from one person to another. To maximize your income, you need to be productive and create products or services that people find valuable and are willing to purchase.

In summary, while certain aspects of our lives may be influenced by external factors and societal beliefs, we still have the opportunity to think creatively and differentiate ourselves to achieve financial success. It's crucial to strike a balance and not let the pursuit of money overshadow the pursuit of a well-rounded and meaningful life.

In conclusion, life is a complex interplay of our thoughts and emotions, influenced by the actions of our hormones. The pursuit of power, influence, and assets is inherent in human nature, making it a common desire for many individuals.

On this planet, absolute equality is an unattainable goal; everyone's circumstances and opportunities differ. Luck, as an external factor determining success, is debatable and largely influenced by our actions and choices.

To navigate life successfully, it is essential to apply both our intellectual quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ). Utilizing our intelligence and emotional understanding allows us to create valuable products and services that can be sold to others, giving us the power to influence and enhance our lives.

Controlling our hormones is crucial, as they can drive impulsive behaviors and desires. By exercising control over these impulses, we gain better control of our lives and make more informed decisions.

If we have a passion, such as bike riding, we must recognize that pursuing it requires resources. Money becomes a means to achieve our interests, whether it is purchasing fuel or obtaining a better bike.

In summary, life is a dynamic journey shaped by our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The quest for power, influence, and assets is natural, but success requires a balanced approach, leveraging our IQ, EQ, and understanding of our own desires and impulses. By doing so, we can strive towards a fulfilling life while pursuing our passions and dreams.

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